Top Creative Living Adventures 2022
Dec 16, 2022
Creative living is all about reconnecting to your wild heart and creative soul. It's about being authentically you and creating a wonderful life, full of inspiration and joy in whatever way feels good for you.
For me this year has been packed full of wonderful trips, projects and experiences and I'd love to share them with you. I actually can't believe the list myself and it's a great chance for me, whilst writing this blog, to reflect on my life and express gratitude.
1. Women empowered with creativity
I edited a book of women's wisdom and we launched it this year. It was a transformational journey powered by bravery. Some women had never written before and certainly hadn't shared their stories. This was creative living in action, I asked who wanted to do it and 32 women form all around the world stepped in. No Ordinary Words; The Real Life Wisdom Of Women is available now and all profits go to two women's charities TreeSisters and She Has Hope, but it here.
2. Confident to go solo
I love the water and pent a lot of time in and on it this year, even to the point where I bought my own kayak. At first I was so scared about setting it up and taking it out on my own, but when I did it that first time I felt so empowered and I realised I can do so much more than I think. I even take my sketchbook out with me too, I am capable of so much more than I think.
3. Inspired by the ancient
This year I've visited Stonhenge, Avebury, Castle Rigg, Newgrange & Knowth and Pentre Ifan, all ancient and mysterious sites in the UK and Ireland. I had my curiosity sparked at every site and have left each women slightly changed. From being deep inside the earth to watching the sun shine through the stones, I felt connected to the earth in new and intriguing ways.
4. I brought the magic
Launching my first online course was a bit edgy for me, I didn't know if it would be wanted or if I'd do it justice, I just knew I wanted to teach people how to connect to the planet in creative, magical ways. But guess what? You loved it, and I have been so, so bowled over by the feedback and the experiences people have shared. You can join the course here.
5. Pecha-what you say?
It was a brilliant experience to be part of International Pecha Kucha day. I was a presenter from the UK in a 24 hours international relay. Each presentation was a creative topic with 20 slides lasting 20 seconds each. My subject was 'Art is Love'. The creative energy from that worldwide event was brilliant, so much juice.
6. Wild women do
Some amazing women joined me in June for my Wild Heart, Creative Soul retreat in the peak District. We swam wild, created, connected to nature, connected to one another, it was simply magical. We took time to stop our routine and intentional create something new and elevated for ourselves, I'm still carrying this with me. You can find out more about my retreats here.
7. The best day ever...
I had to have a big finale and Dolphin Day is it. We travelled over to Ireland this Autumn and we experienced one of the best days of our lives. It strated off with the most beautiful painted sky sunrise over Portmagee. Then we walked the peninsula and spotted a pod of dolphins swimming and jumping their way into the harbour. It took my breath away, it's the first time I had ever seen Dolphins wild. Then we drove the Ring of Kerry - the most spectacular landscape towards Lough Hyne. A sea Lough where we did a night time kayak expedition. Night time because the Lough is bioluminescent and we paddled in the dark with the lights below us in the water and as we looked up we could see all the details of the milky way; stars above, stars below. I felt like the earth was showing me all her finery that day and I fell head over heels in love with it.
I hope my adventures have inspired you and now you'll be off making plans for your own creative living experiences too. It doesn't matter if you start small and explore your wildness and creativity closer to home, it's about playing, being free and opening yourself to new inspiring experiences. Have fun my friends.
I'm Kelly Herrick, a creative living guide, artist and author. I'm is here to help tired, busy and lost people rediscover their unique creative gifts. I use the raw green energy of Mama Earth and all the expressive, intuitive play of creativity to unleash the magic.
Follow me on the socials @kellyherrickart
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