Feeling exhausted and low isn't where you have to get stuck, lovely. 

Let's pick you back up and find your inner spark! You deserve to feel like you again (the world needs your magic too!)

Creativity helps you rest & bounce back

This may sound crazy but it's science... Making art is scientifically proven to help us become more present and in a state of flow (that wonderful feeling of being happy, focused and challenged all at the same time). When we paint or draw we not only make special time for ourselves, we allow our parasympathetic nervous system to come into effect (also known as rest & digest), helping our body & mind truly rest and recover. 

We can produce more dopamine which helps us feel happy and motivated, and our lungs & heart are forced to work a little less, helping us feel physically rested. Combine all of this with the pure joy of creativity and you have an almost magical way to help yourself feel better! Amazing, huh?

I get that you might not feel like it right now, but just taking a small step will help pick you back up.  So, take a look at some of these lovely things I've made for you...

100 Ways To Find Your Creative Magic

A joyful way to get curious, find a spark and lean into your own creative power.

You can start small with just one idea, or use the 100 ideas to challenge yourself over time. You could even make it social and explore it with friends!

This free download will help you begin to rise up and find a little more magic in your every day, giving you a boost to lift your spirits and make you feel more inspired. 

Free 14 page eBook

Get the free eBook

Wild Magic Sketchbook

Designed to spark your curiosity and wonder. Each lesson starts with a wonder question and an inspiring location.

It teaches you how to use acrylics and other simple materials to play, explore and be more curious about the world around you. The art you will make is all about self expression.

The course is magical & gentle and it is a wonderful way to bring you back to yourself. 

Guided, online course

Ignite your spark!

Feeling too tired or low to even start? That's OK you don't need to get out of your PJs for this...

Let me ease you into the whole concept of creative wellbeing. Sit with me for just a few minutes and explore how picking up a paint brush might be just the tonic you need right now.

Video Poster Image

How I know this works

I spend a lot of my time feeling knackered; menopause, modern life, and doing too much for too many people can leave me feeling exhausted and low. And when I get tired and down the world seems really tough and dull. I don't want to go out and see my friends, I flick through Netflix for ages and stuff myself full of chocolate. I numb out and that isn't even restful, so I don't sleep well either. The next day I'm even more tired, fed up, and uninspired, and so the cycle continues. But it doesn't have to keep feeling like this. There's a secret solution that everybody has at their fingertips - creativity!

As an artist, I've taught over 11,000 people now and every time I teach people are always happier and healthier when they've finished making their art. It's because they get chance to connect to their creative souls and find themselves again, they get permission to follow their own intuition.

Making art is a soulful practice for me in my life, and I would love for you to embrace it too. So, I have blended science, art and nature to make these resources for you. Then I sprinkled a little magic on top.

I know if you stay open and let your creativity guide you your life will become a whole lot richer and more joyful.

Kelly x

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It's important to note that I am not a medical professional.

My tips and techniques are shared with the best intentions, but it's crucial for you to understand that they do not substitute for personalised medical advice. Your health is unique, and consulting with a qualified healthcare professional is always recommended.

Remember, your well-being is in your hands! Take charge of your health responsibly and seek professional guidance as needed.

Wishing you a creative journey ahead!